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Hey there — spring is upon us, and the rest of your decisions are rolling in! Here are some things to consider as you leave (or return from) spring break! 🏝

From the MM team 💙

Product update! We’ve added dark mode and are continuing to test new guide designs with select users for our beta product.

Your March Checklist 🎯

Get your admissions results and take your pick! Your acceptances will keep coming in over the next 2 weeks! Be on the lookout for admitted student virtual panels, communities (Facebook & Instagram), and opportunities to visit campus.

Send letters of continued interest to waitlisted schools. Waitlisted? Check out these tips to shine in your letter of continued interest.

Review and compare financial aid packages. Use this resource to navigate your financial aid awards to pick the best school for you!

👀 Don’t think your financial aid offer represents your family’s needs? Write a financial aid appeal letter! Check out our advice and sample outline here.

Upcoming Opportunities🏅

The Mentorship Project is a national organization closing the education gap in America. They provide FREE college admissions mentoring, and resources such as office hours, essay revisions, panels, workshops, and more! Pass along your insights and apply to be a mentor here!

Fun Fact 🤩

In 1942, a Rice University student talked his friend at the Houston Zoo into letting him borrow a live elephant for his campus campaign. Needless to say, he won the election!

Keep up the hustle keep in touch with us on DiscordInstagram, and Tiktok (@missionmentor). If you have any feedback on the content you'd like to see, please fill out this 2-minute survey.

Cowabunga 🏄🏻‍♂️,

Robert & Manda