Hey there — hope your year is off to a good start! Here are some of our favorite resources and closing opportunities to help make the most of your last semester!

While you’re waiting for college admissions results, put the essays you’ve already written to good use by applying to scholarships! Most will close by March. Check out these resources:

Financial aid resources for international students

Lists of great scholarships grouped by category

Scholarship tracker spreadsheet template

🙋🏻‍♀️ Want more? Unlock our databases, event recordings, and early access to our beta product for free at missionmentor.org!

Upcoming Opportunities

Fun Fact 🤩

Every year, the Theta Xi fraternity at the University of Michigan spends the week before the Michigan v. Michigan State football game camping on the Diag to protect the quad from vandalism by Michigan State students. 🏈 🐺

From the MM team 💙

Product update! We just finished another round of testing and are about to release a new mobile version! The new version will give you checklists on how to build your admissions profile, from how to win a science competition to how to get a news feature for your initiative.