Hey there,

Welcome to our first admissions advice newsletter! We'll be sharing our college application life hacks, upcoming opportunities, resources, and product/event updates for high school seniors. If you're in a different grade, switch newsletters here!

Your College Checklist (9/1 - 9/14) 🎯

🚨 Remember: Do not write or edit directly into the Common App! Always copy and paste from a Google or Microsoft Word document.

Upcoming Opportunities 🏅

🔎 Looking for schools with full-ride scholarships? Check out this list of 81 colleges that offer full merit aid.

Updates 👀

Fun fact 🤩

Villanova University has a Vatican Internship program — some students have the chance to run the Pope's Twitter and Instagram!

This is our first newsletter, and we need your help to make it better! Please fill out this 2-minute survey to help us decide what content to cover and how frequently to send information.