Hey there — decisions are starting to roll in, and your work is paying off! Here are some of our favorite resources and closing opportunities to wrap up your application season.

From the MM team 💙

Product update! Our beta is now available on desktop! We’re letting select users test out our new admissions tools.

Your February Checklist 🎯

Keep applying to scholarships. Most scholarships are closing through March — save yourself later by keeping up the grind for new freshman scholarships. Keep reading to see our favorite picks closing soon!

Ace any remaining interviews. Put your best foot forward for any remaining alumni and scholarship interviews by prepping ahead of time. Reread your application, identify the highlights you want to cover in your interview, and have your “Tell me about yourself” response ready.

Analyze and compare your financial aid packages. Your financial aid packages are coming in, but what does that mean for you and what can you do to maximize your offer? Check out our notes on financial aid vocabulary + our outline for appealing your award offer.

Upcoming Opportunities 🥇

*denotes open to international students

Fun Fact 🤩

Per tradition, seniors at Georgetown attempt to steal the hands of the clock on Healy tower every few years. 🥷🏫